my life, etc.,etc., etc

Monday, May 08, 2006

Dear Blog,

It has been so long and so much has gone down - well, not really, but there is alot of stuff to write about. Last weekend was the 4th weekend in a row that someone has been in town. Now don't get me wrong, I love the company, I just get all perfectionisty about being the perfect hostess and all. Friday was quiet. I met Paul for a drink at this bar cafe place on my street and then Shinae, him and I ordered Chinese food and watched TV. It gets better..........On Saturday, my friend Lena was kind enough to invite me to a British fashion exhibit "Anglomania" at the Met. It was pretty cool - lots of current designers, Alexander McQueen, Christopher Bailey for Burberry and Vivenne Westwood, mixed with period costume and set in this "Wuthering Heights" type of manor house - they even made it rain, and you could see it and hear it running down the windows. After that, it was up to the rooftop for a drink and a sit down and then off to the park to soak up the last of the afternoon sun. Later on, we got dinner at this Brasserie, and since it was the Kentucky Derby, everyone was watching the race and sipping mint julips. I met up with my friends Lindsay and Shinae for dessert and then we went to this small party back in my Queens neighborhood.

Sunday was brunch at the Grande Cafe and then "Art School Confidential" at the Angelika. It was a funny movie and Paul and I felt some loyalty, or maybe sympathy(not sure) for art school and those "creative types" who attend. We went to dinner at this little restaurant "Cafe Cubana" and a strange thing happened. The place is really small so all the tables are pretty tight. Anyway, we were sitting next to, or more like on top of this man and woman - the guy was definitely gay, and she looked straight enough, but 1st it sounded like they were fighting like a couple would fight. Then it sounded like they were roleplaying an argument which totally threw those around them who were eves-dropping, way off. Then they got into an argument about child custody or something and then he got all confused about how many hours were in a day or something. It was so random and so so strange. After they left, Paul and I turned to these 2 girls sitting on the otherside of the strange couple and all 4 of us were like, "what the hell was that all about" - kind of fun when you bond with 2 total strangers over crazy people in a restaurant.

Ok, Blog. I have got to stop waiting too long bewteen entries. Have a good night and good dreams blog.


Blogger Paul said...

thoughts:::: much better entry then what I posted. could have used some links. loved the description of what happened at Cafe Cubana. so true

7:11 AM  
Blogger oneofthemates said...

kate!!! where have you been? i wanted to write in and say, "update your blog" but i thought that would be a little obsessive and somewhat bossy. but needless to say, glad you updated!! i would have loved to have been in the cuban cafe because i love drama!!

7:54 PM  

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