my life, etc.,etc., etc

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dear Blog,

Sorry I have been a little neglectful of you lately. As you know, I have had a rough "what does it all mean" kind of week, and, fingers crossed, this next one will come and go more smoothly. Thanks to all of those who left a comment - it's true that we all have to go through this and I guess this is just my turn on the horse - the crazy retarded horse with one eye who spooks easily. This was a happy weekend for me. Paul's brother was in town, so on Saturday, the boys hit up a Yankee's game, unfortunately the weather has been a hater the last few days, so the cold made it less than enjoyable, but whatever, you're at a baseball game. I hung out with the roomates and did some grocery shopping, because we had planned to BBQ today, but it's postoned til next weekend so everyone mark your calenders accordingly. Later that Sat. evening, all 8 or so of us went to dinner at this cool diner/bar place called "Cup", down the street from my house. This place serves breakfast all day long, and it's got a bar right in the middle of it all - nothing better, I tell you what. After that we watched"King Kong" and I think it could have been about 2 hours shorter and still would have been alright, but you know, I probably should have gone to see it on the big screen anyways. Today we did some shopping, John made out like a bandit on jeans and stuff, and then I came back home and enjoyed the last few hours of my Sunday - so depressing right?!? Ok, blog, well chin up, and things will get better, or things will get different, one of the two.

Night blog


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