Dear Blog,
You know what really blows on the weekend? - that time around 7:30 am when you bounce out of bed, and can't fall back to sleep, because your body has been programed like a robot to wake up at an unreasonable hour Mon-Fri. I just throw on the food channel and hope that Paula Dean can sing me to sleep with her "hey Y'alllllllllllllls"( as Paul says it). Last week was a busy one, and glad its passed. Last night we went to a BBQ at our friends Ian's office - he works at a design firm called "Nice" - if only we could all be so lucky to work somewhere called nice. They have an amazing interior space and then an awesome rooftop where they grill - they really do go all out for these BBQ's - there's really something to be said about a working environment as pleasant as this one. The food was great and then around 9 or so my friends Jen and Amy stopped by and we had a summer of 04' reunion. Today, we are planning on meeting up at the MET around 3:30 and then who knows - the 3 of us can get pretty crazy - of coarse any of you that know us, know that this isn't true, but we do what we can.
Have a good Saturday Blog, and stay out of trouble
(don't really know what I mean by that)
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