Dear Blog,
So I spent today home from work - sick as a dog. Any signs of stress and my body freaks out on me and rejects itself. I was looking forward to really enjoying this weekend but now I fear I will be bed-bound or at least couch-bound. It's kind of hard to rest during the day because there's this elementary school next to me and all day long it's yelling...."stop hitting me"......."I'm telling....."hahahahahahah"......."red rover, red rover"......"he called me fat"...I could go on an on. Anyways, the long and the short of it is that it's hard to rest with that going on not even five feet from your bedroom window. Alls I have to say is that at least tomorrow's Friday. Oh, so I watched the series finale of "Will and Grace" and it blew really hard. First they make it out to be like a 2 hour finale, but what they really mean is that it's one hour of behind the scenes bloopers or whatever and then what seems like 20 mins of the actual show - I left out 40 mins for commercials and so forth. They did this thing where they age all of their characters and look into the future to when they're all old and whatever else. Anyway, I'm a little disappointed. My favorite character by far was Karen. I hope that when I die that I can come back as someone like her - but maybe a little nicer, maybe not....Ok, well Tylenol cold is kicking in and I'm getting double vision so I better go. Blog, if this ever happens to you, remember this: drink lots of tea, keep on the Mucinex and a hot shower will always make you feel at least 30% better.
Night Blog,