my life, etc.,etc., etc

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Dear Blog,

So I spent today home from work - sick as a dog. Any signs of stress and my body freaks out on me and rejects itself. I was looking forward to really enjoying this weekend but now I fear I will be bed-bound or at least couch-bound. It's kind of hard to rest during the day because there's this elementary school next to me and all day long it's yelling...."stop hitting me"......."I'm telling....."hahahahahahah"......."red rover, red rover"......"he called me fat"...I could go on an on. Anyways, the long and the short of it is that it's hard to rest with that going on not even five feet from your bedroom window. Alls I have to say is that at least tomorrow's Friday. Oh, so I watched the series finale of "Will and Grace" and it blew really hard. First they make it out to be like a 2 hour finale, but what they really mean is that it's one hour of behind the scenes bloopers or whatever and then what seems like 20 mins of the actual show - I left out 40 mins for commercials and so forth. They did this thing where they age all of their characters and look into the future to when they're all old and whatever else. Anyway, I'm a little disappointed. My favorite character by far was Karen. I hope that when I die that I can come back as someone like her - but maybe a little nicer, maybe not....Ok, well Tylenol cold is kicking in and I'm getting double vision so I better go. Blog, if this ever happens to you, remember this: drink lots of tea, keep on the Mucinex and a hot shower will always make you feel at least 30% better.

Night Blog,

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Dear Blog,

Well today was quiet, but I got a lot of stuff done around the house which was good, because lately I have been pretty neglectful of my habitat. This will be a short blog, because it's late and I need my sleep to get ready for a busy busy week, but this afternoon as I was dropping off my laundry I noticed quite a commotion at the Catholic Church next door. It was 1st Communion for all the little kiddies - lots of little girls in white dresses and little boys in white suits posing with their families and their candles for pictures. It took me back to my First Communion and I got a little sentimental, but only for a little bit. Anyway Blog, wish me luck this week - I am going to need it.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

Dear Blog,

Well, what a week it has been - we laughed, we cried and then we cried some more. We lost a very good designer at my place this week and she will very sorely be missed by all, but she's on to bigger and better things so our hats off to her. Last night after work, I went home so so happy for the weekend to be here. Not much happened other than a little TV and time spent with my roommate. It's funny because Friday doesn't seem like the night to go out here in NYC - it's more of a night to just relax and take a deep breath after the work week. Today Paul's mission was dport7 tee shirts so we have been screening all afternoon and they look really super great. Read more about this and see pics go to dport7. Anyway, it's just a fun kind of lazy day in Brookly and even though the retard Sam Champion said rain all weekend there's not a cloud in the sky. Well, blog, we have the grey tee's left to do so I will leave you for now.

Bye blog,

Monday, May 08, 2006

Dear Blog,

It has been so long and so much has gone down - well, not really, but there is alot of stuff to write about. Last weekend was the 4th weekend in a row that someone has been in town. Now don't get me wrong, I love the company, I just get all perfectionisty about being the perfect hostess and all. Friday was quiet. I met Paul for a drink at this bar cafe place on my street and then Shinae, him and I ordered Chinese food and watched TV. It gets better..........On Saturday, my friend Lena was kind enough to invite me to a British fashion exhibit "Anglomania" at the Met. It was pretty cool - lots of current designers, Alexander McQueen, Christopher Bailey for Burberry and Vivenne Westwood, mixed with period costume and set in this "Wuthering Heights" type of manor house - they even made it rain, and you could see it and hear it running down the windows. After that, it was up to the rooftop for a drink and a sit down and then off to the park to soak up the last of the afternoon sun. Later on, we got dinner at this Brasserie, and since it was the Kentucky Derby, everyone was watching the race and sipping mint julips. I met up with my friends Lindsay and Shinae for dessert and then we went to this small party back in my Queens neighborhood.

Sunday was brunch at the Grande Cafe and then "Art School Confidential" at the Angelika. It was a funny movie and Paul and I felt some loyalty, or maybe sympathy(not sure) for art school and those "creative types" who attend. We went to dinner at this little restaurant "Cafe Cubana" and a strange thing happened. The place is really small so all the tables are pretty tight. Anyway, we were sitting next to, or more like on top of this man and woman - the guy was definitely gay, and she looked straight enough, but 1st it sounded like they were fighting like a couple would fight. Then it sounded like they were roleplaying an argument which totally threw those around them who were eves-dropping, way off. Then they got into an argument about child custody or something and then he got all confused about how many hours were in a day or something. It was so random and so so strange. After they left, Paul and I turned to these 2 girls sitting on the otherside of the strange couple and all 4 of us were like, "what the hell was that all about" - kind of fun when you bond with 2 total strangers over crazy people in a restaurant.

Ok, Blog. I have got to stop waiting too long bewteen entries. Have a good night and good dreams blog.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Dear Blog,

It is not often that you get a morning entry from me, especially on a weekday, but I was on the train this morning and notices something funny, and it kind of refreshed me. I was on a very crowded "V" train going into Manhattan and everyone around me look so depressed. Usually on any other given day, I would have been one of those sad faces, however this morning I woke up unusually optimistic. I noticed through the crowd that there was one guy smiling, almost laughing to himself. My eyes went right to him. Maybe when you're kind of happy, you zero in on the other happiness. This was not a life altering revelation or anything, just something different this morning -and different can be very good.

Have a good one blog!