Dear Blog,
So it goes, another Monday come and gone. Tonight the fresh direct man came to our house and brought me groceries - now I can finally make dinner like a normal person instead of eating cereal every night. Last weekend I took it easy because I'm still getting over some cold/flu stuff. Saturday Paul and I met the newlyweds Phil and Leena Anderson in SoHo for lunch at this place called the "antique garage" - it was very good and very Turkish. And there was a cute boy jazz trio. After lunch, Leena and I skipped out to see what was left over at the Calypso Sample Sale and picked up some $30 jeans which were originally $195. Now come on, who would ever pay that much money for jeans - like whatever. After that we found the boys at a bar, as usual and then I went home for some rest and roomate time. The next day Paul and I went to the "olive garden" - that's right, we had a gift card, and then to home depot to find Paul some curtains. I guess the neighbors were starting to get a wee bit too curious. That night we went to see "the departed" - now if you are in dire need of some foul language, lots of blood and violence, South Phily and alec baldwin, then this is the movie for you. I give it 4 stars. Once again, please enjoy my look of the day.
Good night blog,
this girl is entirely too skinny. and im not just saying that because im ten times bigger than her
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