Dear Blog,
So it has been a busy summer and it seems like forever since we talked last. In the past month, I have gone on vacation to Nantucket for a month, seen a couple of concerts, namely The Format at Irving Plaza and The Shins at McCarren Park Pool in Brooklyn, enjoyed the summer with friends and have been extra super busy at work (busy, but its been pleasant and tolerable). The last couple of weeks we have been in fall 07 mode at work and have just finished sending out all specs for our first fall delivery. This season we're definitely feeling textures, subtle embroidery and exaggerated silhouettes - just an FYI for any of you who care. Vacation was lovely. Nantucket is the most beautiful place and anyone who hasn't been should go - NOW...before the summer's up. It's a small island, next door to the Vineyard. Back in the day it was a whaling port, but now its mostly tourists and very very wealthy people who have homes....anyone who's anyone has a home on Hulbert St....at least that's where John Kerry and his wife spend their summers. We stayed at 7 Sea St. Inn, and were up in the swan house. A lovely girl named made up breakfast in the morning and kept the place up during the day. We went to the beach, usually once a day, and we all got fabulously tan. On the days when it was overcast we did the basket and the whaling museum. Nantucket is famous for it's lightship baskets, this beautiful things made by hand years and years ago. We toured the Hadwin House and The Oldest House, which was built in 1670 something. Not much of the house is original, and it's burned down like 5 times, but whatever I guess. The shopping is amazing, even if you are only shopping for souvenirs. Vis-A-Vis, is the store on Main St. that sells White + Warren and I met with the store owner Avis and we chatted about business for a bit. Down a ways is The Golden Basket which sells basket jewelry in any kind of metal or jewel you can imagine. For a suprisingly small island, there is a TON of shopping, an its good stuff too. All the restaurants on the island are outstanding, and my favorite was the Brant Point Grill, where we went for my birthday. It's located within the White Elephant resort, and is frequented by many of the locals celebrities which call Nantucket home, such as Jerry Stiller and Ann Meara, whom we saw that evening at dinner. All that I can say is that if you have to spend you birthday somewhere, spend it at the beach. Mom and Dad and I had a great time, and even though I am older now, I still enjoy trips with my parents -I hope this is something that we can all do again very soon.
This last weekend was fun - Paul had a short shorts party, which was a super hit and almost everyone wore the shorts. I tried to class up my short shorts, but anyway you wear em', class is the farthest thing from short shorts. Yesterday I went to Leena's wedding shower which was held at a lovely french restaurant "gavroche". It was themed for her honeymoon in the south of france so everyone had the same idea to give stuff from l'occitane. It was nice and we are uber excited for the wedding next weekend. It will be an extravaganza of love and fun and good times and I am extra excited because I the perfect dress - pictures to come next week I promise. Well blog, I will leave you with this..........."There once was a man from Nantucket..............you can figure the rest.
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