Dear Blog,
It's Sunday morning, I have planted myself on the couch and am finishing my coffee, when I thought to myself, "better say hi to blog today, he gets lonely". Had a short week because of the 4th of July Holiday, which we spend in Charlotte NC with our Friends Aaron, Allison, Bella(puppy), and some new friends that we met along the way. We arrived early last Saturday morning - we wanted to make sure that we wasted no time and had a full day. When we arrived, the boys started with PBR's around 10:30 - you know it's going to be a good vacation when you start drinking before noon. Later we went to lunch at this British Pub place and then it was off to the mall to buy Aaron and Ian matching swim trunks because one always gets jealous of the other if one of them doesn't have something that the other has - weird. Us New Yorker's (if you can even really call us that), were amazed all the high end stores they had - Louis Vuitton and Kate Spade - Whaaaaaaaa? We came home, went to the pool and then got cleaned up for the Symphony in the park. There's nothing better than sitting outside on a summer's night, talking with friends, kinda listening to music and eating Bo-jangles chicken. Next day, we got a slow start - too much jangles the night before. Allison, who's is my new best friend, so hands off, and I went to see "The Devil Wears Prada" and the boys got "Nacho LIbre" - no way Jose. It was HOT HOT HOT that day so we went to Allison's pool to cool off and have a cook-out - it was all fun and games until the pool Nazi, Allison's RA, Nanny McPhee came and broke up the party @ 10pm - what a way to ruin a perfectly nice and wholesome good time. Next day, was Pontoon Boat day!!!!!!!!!!!! There's nothing better than spending an entire Monday on a Pontoon boat(so what if it was the slowest boat on the lake), with your friends, getting sunburn and eating the left over jangles from 2 nights before. Lake Norman is one of, if not the largest lakes in NC. We would drive for a bit and then drop anchor and swim for a while. There was one instance where we thought it would be funny to leave Ian, Paul, Peter and Kyle in the middle of the lake and then drive away - I guess we didn't realize we were gone for so long - ooops. Also on the boat with us were Kyle and Peter(brothers) and Spurgeon the IV(seriously that's his name). 8 hours later and countless cases of PBR, it was time to turn in the boat and call it a day - I have never seen a group of people so tired and beat up as I did after that boat ride. We went home and showered and then went to PF Changs for dinner - my fav! The next day it was time to go home - we were sad, tired and depressed to leave our friends and their central air conditioner, but nonetheless, life did go on in NYC. Aaron and Allison were the bestest host and hostesses and we owe them big for this very very fun weekend. Hug and kisses to everyone who made our weekend one of the best all summer! Hopefully after this trip they will still be friends with us and come to NYC again soon!
Have a good Sunday blog!