Dear Blog,
I have no excuse for not visiting you this year. Just call me lazy and get it over with. Now with January nearly over, I look back on the last month with a smile - this years off to a good steadt start so far. It's going to be a challenging one, but if you don't learn from life, what's the point really anyways. I got back to NYC in time for a cozy New Year's Eve on the couch with Paul. Our Jewish friend Jon was in town, so he stopped by for burritos and we gave him a hard time about law school. Since we all live for the weekends here, most of my fun is had on Saturday and Sunday. I've been to the MET to see the Nan Kempner wardrobe exhibit, checked out several new restaurants including my favorite Thai place "35". One of my new years resolutions, the only one I have been able to keep so far, is the one in which I spend more time with my friends and the people I love. Yesterday Phil, Leena, Paul and I rented a car and drove to the mecca of outlet shopping, Woodbury Commons. We all did pretty well, especially Leena and I who filled the back of that little "Cobalt" up with way too many bags. I have a couple of things coming up to look forward to such as "Chorus Line" tix in February. Ok, this is the only musical I really love.....well, except for "Hello Dolly", but I swear, that's it. I am meeting some family in Savannah, the weekend after Easter so that should be fun. And there's always Allison and Aaron's wedding in May. Someone told me that last Monday was the "bluest" day of the year - I guess part of it has to do with the winter weather being crap in January; the fact that we have a long time before another Holiday; and lastly, most of our resolutions lose speed around this time. Get back up on that horse people....it's 2007!