Dear Blog,
Merry belated Christmas Blog. As I probably mentioned, I am in Colorado for the week. We are in the midst of our 2nd blizzard in a week, so that's fun. Luckily Mom netflix'd before I got home so we have plenty of Grey's Anatomy to watch. I made it here in one piece and on-time, which was in itself, a Christmas miracle. My bags arrived a day later but I can't really complain too much about that. The girl I called in India told me they would be here the next day and sure enough, she was right. We spent Christmas Eve lounging around and then went to midnight mass (at 6 pm) and then to dinner at the Welshire Inn which is kind of our regular Christmas Eve dinner hang out. The next day we opened presents and then had some friends over for dinner. I got many nice things, but I won't mention them all because it's tacky, but amongst my favorites were the Hermes parfume from Paul and pottery from Mom and Dad. I am running out of places to store it so I think I'm going to let Paul hang on to some of it for me, since he loves it so much. Other than that, we have been trying to get out of the house in between snow showers - to the malls of course to catch the sales. Last night my fathers friend Bjorn invited us over for a Swedish Christmas dinner - bring on those lil' meatballs!! Ok, well I only have a few more days left of doing nothing at all productive so I better get on to it. See you in 07' blog!!!!