Dear Blog,
In my desperate attempt to find new music, I stumbled upon Kings of Convenience. If you like Belle and Sebastian then you will like these guys. I was looking for something mellow that I could listen to at work and still focus and this fits the bill - it's just good sounds all around. The all time best sample sale of the year starts tomorrow at W+W and continues on for 3 days of sheer madness and crazy women. I horded my stash pretty early on, found gifts and so on - I need more cashmere like I need a hole in the head but whatever, it's practically free - and it gets cold here. Work is getting pretty crazy and I am feeling like if we want to expand this PL business, I'm going to definitely need a partner in crime. I wake up in the middle of the night with fears of emails I forgot to send or photo samples I need to get out - no way to spend the off hours away from work. Hopefully this will die down soon as this is the busiest time in the year for us in fashion. I am in dire need of sunshine and pretty things, hence the pic - Lily's on Nantucket.
Good night blog,